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Masters of Horror 13: Takashi Miike - Imprint

Trailer ansehen

• Direct-to-DVD, daher keine Kino-Besucherzahlen

• auf DVD
• Kritik vom: 25.06.06
Verwandte Themen:
Masters of Horror 12: William Malone - Fair Haired Child, Trailer
Masters of Horror 10: Tobe Hooper - Dead of the Dance, Trailer
Masters of Horror 11: Larry Cohen - Pick me up, Trailer
Masters of Horror 9: John McNaughton - Haeckels Tale, Trailer
Masters of Horror 8: Lucky McKee - Sick Girl, Trailer
Masters of Horror 7: Don Coscarelli - Incident in and off a Mountain Road, Trailer
Masters of Horror 5: Joe Dante - Homecoming, Trailer
Masters of Horror 6: Stuart Gordon - Dreams in a Witch House, Trailer
Masters of Horror 3: John Landis - Deer Woman, Trailer
Masters of Horror 4: Dario Argento - Jenifer, Trailer
Masters of Horror 2: John Carpenter - Cigarette Burns, Trailer
Masters of Horror 1: Mick Garris - Chocolate, Trailer



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